Digital signatures from A to Z
Here you can find all about digital signatures, signature standards and requirements.
All you ever needed to know in one place .
What is an electronic signature?

An electronic signature (e-signature) is an electronic indication of a person’s intention to agree to the content of the document or set of data to which the signature refers. Just like a handwritten signature in the offline world, an electronic signature is a legal concept that records the signer’s intention to be bound by the terms of the signed document.
Does e-signature have legal weight?
The legal validity of an electronic signature depends on the laws and regulations of the specific jurisdiction where it is being used.

In the European Union, electronic signatures are regulated by the eIDAS Regulation, which sets out rules for electronic identification and trust services. This regulation establishes a legal framework for electronic signatures and ensures that they are recognized and enforceable across EU member states.
In Switzerland security and integrity of electronic transactions are regulated by ZertES, which provides a legal framework for the use of electronic signatures and certification services.
The law distinguishes between the simple electronic signature (SES), the advanced electronic signature (AES) and the qualified electronic signature (QES). The three standards vary in terms of legal weight and are used for different types of documents.
What else do I need to start signing?
To be able to sign advanced and qualified electronically, you must register for the Signing Service. There are a few valid identification and registration methods according to EU and Swiss law.

How do the identification methods of the Smart Registration Service work?
SRS (Smart Registration Service) ID methods verify identity with valid docs or recognized proof. Then, mobile number authentication is linked to ID. Data is signed electronically and stored in a secure database for future use.
In cooperation with our partners we offer various identification methods:
SRS Video EU
You’ll need a webcam, a microphone, an up-to-date browser, and a stable internet connection. After identification, you can use electronic signing for 5 years without repeating the process.
SRS Selfie Ident EU
You’ll need a valid passport or ID and your mobile phone. After identification, you can use electronic signing for 2 years without repeating the process.
You’ll need an ID card with already activated online ID function and a mobile phone with NFC function. After identification, you can use electronic signing for 2 years without repeating the process.
You need a bank account and your online banking login data. After identification, you can use electronic signing for 2 years without repeating the process.
SRS Video Ident SWI
You’ll need a valid passport or an identity card from the EU/EEA or Switzerland and your mobile phone. After identification, you can use electronic signing for 5 years without repeating the process.
SRS Autoident SWI
You’ll need a valid passport or an identity card from the EU/EEA or Switzerland and your mobile phone. After identification, you can use electronic signing for up to 2 years without repeating the process (or until the expiration of your ID document if this happens before).
SRS Direct
Visit a Swisscom shop that’s a certified registration authority for qualified electronic signatures nearby. Activate Mobile ID or the Mobile ID App on your phone before visiting. Bring a valid ID/passport and phone for identification at the shop.